Tuesday, January 8, 2013

BzzAgent: Covergirl Blast Flipsticks Review

I am nowhere near as beautiful as Sofia Vergara, that's a fact.  But what's true is that I really love getting FREE stuff!  I am so happy to have the opportunity to review the newest line of Covergirl lipsticks called "Blast Flipsticks".  Each Flipstick comes with two different colors.  One is a lighter, more shimmery color that can be used during the day and the other is a dark, bold color that you can wear at night.  The texture of the lipstick itself is really creamy and the color actually stays on for quite a good amount of time.  What makes this lipstick somewhat unique is that you can mix both colors to produce a new color effect, which I appreciate.  It's like getting two lipsticks for the price of one!  For those who know me, I'm all about a bargain.  :)

But you know what?  I wasn't a huge fan of the two colors BzzAgent sent as samples.  The colors minx and vixen were definitely not made for my skin color.  I personally would never choose these colors for myself but appreciate the free products very much. I liked the texture though and the fact that the color didn't stain my teeth and that the color remained on my lips for hours even between meals.  So I will use my coupons to try some different colors and hopefully I will find one I will like!  



For more on colors, combinations and more great products like blastflipstick, visit the blastflipstick page on the COVERGIRL website at covergirl.com/blastflipstick.

To start a conversation with other blastflipstick lovers or to "like" blastflipstick, head to COVERGIRL on Facebook: facebook.com/covergirl.

Catch the most up-to-date news on blastflipstick and other innovative products; follow COVERGIRL on Twitter at twitter.com/COVERGIRL.

See what inspires COVERGIRL on Pinterest, and get inspired yourself, by checking out some stylish Pinboards at pinterest.com/source/covergirl.com.

Please note: I am a BzzAgent and I received these samples for free to review.  Everything I write is solely my opinion.

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